Wie nimmt man mit Audacity nur auf einer einzigen Spur auf?

1 Antwort

Einfach Shift gedrückt halten während du erneut auf den roten record Knopf drückst oder Shift und R drücken. 


"Start your recording by pressing the red Record button  from the Transport Toolbar, then starting the player. You can pause and restart the recording between tracks or sides with the blue Pause button , which keeps your recording on one track within Audacity. This is the easiest way to record into Audacity, because having just one track on screen allows you to split the recording up into the different songs or sections using "labels". See the tutorial: Splitting a recording into separate tracks for more on this.

An alternative to using the Pause button is to Stop the recording, with the yellow Stop button , at the end of the first side, then use Transport > Append Record (or shift-click on the Record button  or its keyboard shortcut SHIFT + R) to continue recording on the existing track."