Text über Sommerferien. Was kann ich daran noch ändern?

4 Antworten

Du hattest ein paar Fehler, aber nicht viele. Ich werde den Text nochmal abschreiben und ich VERSUCHE ihn mal halbwegs zu ''verbessern'': My summer holiday I was at home in the first week because I had to learn for school. I also went jogging with my sister sometimes. In the second week I had to sleep with my sister because she was alone at home. We had to company very much. I was at my cousin's birthday party in the third week. There were a lot of other cousins of mine. It was very funny and I took a lot of photos. I went shopping with my sisters the next day, we were in Frankfurt. I've bought many clothes. And in the last two weeks, I was in the Turkey, together with my family. We visited my grandmother in the hospital. She was very happy when she saw us. IRGENDWIE so, ich bin nicht der Meister, wenn es zu Englisch kommt..... Ich bin erst in der 8., aber hab dafür so gut wie nur 1 und 2 in den Tests..... Naja......... Nagut, ich hoffe, es hilft dir trotzdem ^^

Es heißt "I were" und "we were". "I had to learn" hinter "had" kommt kein e . (Kann ja auch ein Tippfehler sein ;)). Und dann noch "I had to sleep near my sister" die -ing Form muss weg und das "at" hört sich holprig an, muss aber nicht zwingend geändert werden . Leider weiß ich nicht, was du mit "We had to company very much" meinst. Hoffe ich konnte dir helfen.

BlackDarkness01  13.09.2015, 13:51

Nein, es heißt nicht ''I were''. ''was'' wird im Singular benutzt und ''were'' im Plural. I was You were (obwohl es nicht im Plural gemeint ist, heißt es trotzdem ''were'') he/she/it was we were you were they were


Kleiner Tipp: an der Stelle mit der Geburtstagsparty steht sehr oft many. Versuche die Wörter zu ersetzen das macht es spanender

In the first week of my summer holiday I was at home because I had to learn for school. Sometimes I also went jogging with my sister. In my second week I had to sleep at my sister's because she was alone at home. We had to company very much. In the third week I was on a birthday party of my cousin with many other cousins. It was very funny and I took many photos. At the following day I was shopping with my sisters in Frankfurt. I bought many clothes. In the last two weeks of my summer holidays I was in Turkey with my family. We visited my grandmother in the hospital and she was very happy to see us.
That was my report of the summer holidays.

Also so würde ich es schreiben, ich hoffe, dass es jetzt so richtig ist!