
2 Antworten

Die Filme sind im Grunde nur "Filler", da die Ereignisse darin nicht im Manga vorkommen.

Um Spoiler zu vermeiden schaut man Phantom Rouge am besten nach dem Yorknew City Arc (nach Folge 58 von HxH 2011).

The Last Mission nach dem Greed Island Arc (Folge 75).

Die Filme sind aber wie gesagt nicht Teil der Hauptstory, die Ereignisse darin spielen für die Serie keine Rolle. (Und wirklich gut sind sie auch nicht, aber da scheiden sich die Geister.)

 08.08.2019, 23:40

Danke vielmals

Die Serie hab uch schon gesehn, dacht mir nur ich seh mir die Filme an deshalb die Frage

  • hier ein paar spoiler
  • Finding out the existence of Nen and that it is the “Secret Hunter Exam”, that qualifies you as a true hunter.
  • Killua’s grandfather and the Chairman of the Hunter Association are old aquaintances. However Netero is far older than Zeno, having known the later since he was a baby.
  • Kite who was mentored by Ging, and then proceeded to later mentor Gon, was killed and turned into a soulless puppet
  • Gon meets his Dad in the last episode in the 2011 version of the anime
  • Hisoka faked his membership into the spiders only for the sake of battling Chrollo
  • Gon sacrifices everything he has in order to gain the power to kill Neferepitou. He transforms into an adult version and then proceeds to one-sidedly smash her to bits.
  • There is a hidden member of the Zoldyck family. This member known as Alluka is occasionally possessed by “Something”. “Something” allows for a person’s wish to be granted after a randomly declared condition is fulfilled. Killua utilises this in order to heal Gon who is basically a skeleton of his former self, covered in bandages and heavily dependent on life support.
  • Netero had surgery in order to plant a small scale nuclear bomb within him, that would explode when his heart stopped beating.
  • Netero lost to the ant-king Meruem in their battle, and as the final move (as Meruem was willing to spare him) pierced his own heart in order to trigger the bomb.
  • Meruem actually survives the bomb blast, and is revived by Youpi and Pouf. However this infects them with the radiation he was affected by, and that’s how all three end up dying.
  • Meruem dies in what I consider the most touching scene of the entire HxH series. He dies while playing Gungi with Komugi, appearing to admit to his great care for her and new-found humanity.
  • Netero actually has a secret son. Something that not even the 12 zodiacs knew about (they are like the board of the Hunter association, with Netero as chairman - so you can imagine how well kept this secret was if even these guys were shocked about it).
  • There is something called the Dark Continent. Basically the “world” we’ve known for basically the entirety of the series is just a tiny fragment on the map - like a tiny speck. What doesn’t appear is the Dark Continent. To put this into perspective: the known world (where basically the entire series has taken place in till now), is situated inside what is considered a lake for the Dark Continent. The place is just that huge. Apparently the survival rate of returning after going there is 0.04%. Quite a few character have gone to the Dark Continent on hidden explorations, including Netero in his youth.
  • Hisoka verses Chrollo and loses due to carelessness and allowing Chrollo to set up his plans plus choose the fight location. Hisoka is then killed by Chrollo
  • However, Hisoka being the crazed psychotic madman we love him to be, uses Bungee Gum to revive himself after death. In case that didn’t sink in: HE REVIVED HIMSELF WITH WHAT IS ESSENTIALLY GLORIFIED BUBBLE GUM!!! WHAT A LEGEND! Basically fooling Chrollo that he died. He then declares that he will wipe out and kill the spiders, one by one. His first two victims are Shalnark and Kortopi
  • Ging in addition to being extremely proficient at combat and using Nen, is also exceptionally smart. Possibly within the top 5 smartest characters in the series - if not, then definitely top 10.

 08.08.2019, 23:35

Ich sagte keinen spoiler^^ gut dass, ich nicht gut englisch kann^^