Pro und contra Liste zum Thema Klassenfahrt auf englisch?

3 Antworten

My favorit part about the journey was...

The trip really helped our class to find together

I learned so many new things about my classmates

Every day had a hilight. For example there was...

I thought some days might get boring but I loved the experiences I made!

The hotel wich was chosen by the teachers was great because it was so clean and modern/ in my oppinion not the best choice because the employees were pretty rude

Kreativ sein, überleg einfach über dinge die du persönlich mögen würdest

The bustrip to the Hotel was very funny and a grat start for our class trip, it was really funny to talk with our friends and watch movies and so on.

In the Hotel we had small/big rooms it was/wasn`t really cool, but they were really beautiful.

The Excursions with the class were super. I really liked the day when we went on a Sightseeing trip.

The Food in the Hotel was really good/bad I liked/didn`t liked it because...

The last evening was really cool we talked much and ate all the Sweets we haven´t eaten yet.

ist jetzt nicht so krass aber vllt hilfts dir