Ist Leone aus Akame Ga Kill tot?

3 Antworten

Ja, sie ist tot, siehe

Wie genau steht da auch, Spoiler!

Leone and Minister Honest began their fight (...)
Leone gained the upper hand and almost managed to kill him once and for all, but Honest then revealed the power of his Teigu. The Teigu used its ability to destroy Leone's Lionelle, causing her to return back to her normal state. Honest then used a pistol and fired a shot at her, weakening her significantly. Minister Honest threw Leone off the top of the building causing her to fall down several floors and she seemingly died.


However, after the battle between Esdeath and Akame, Leone is revealed to have survived as she follows Honest underground as he tries to escape. She has fused with what's left of her broken Teigu, giving her a more lionlike appearance.


After the battle, Akame meets up with her and is about to get medical assistance, but she declines and hugged her, revealing that she was only alive because she fused with her Teigu temporarily.(...)

Leider ja, erlag vermutlich ihren Verletzungen.

Ja ist sie, sie wurde ja vom Minister mit einer Pistole in den Bauch geschossen nachdem ihre Kaiserwaffe zerstört wurde.