GTA Online: Lange Haare?

1 Antwort

Gute Frage...

...auf die ich so direkt keine Antwort habe, aber einen Lösungsvorschlag: Kontaktiere den Rockstar Support, der hat sicherlich eine Antwort auf deine Frage.

Ansonsten; Hier noch ein interessanter Thread auf Reddit, der deine Frage mit mehreren Argumenten beantworten kann:

More than likely it's because of a lack of hair physics, as what we have now are just static bodygroups. With this in mind, long hair would just clip through your body and move with your head as you look around.
Long hair can clip through different outfits. It’s the same reason hats get removed when driving. [...] A helmet is less likely to clip than a hat though, think back to the top hats they added in the business update.