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In networking jargon, a computer, phone, or internet of things device connected to a computer network is sometimes referred to as an end system or end station, because it sits at the edge of the network. The end user directly interacts with an end system that provides information or services.[1]

Quelle: Englisches Wikipedia unter End System

1. End system is a term defined by the European Computer Manufacturers Association( ECMA). According to this, it is an open system that covers all seven layers of the OSI reference model. An end system is defined as an overall system consisting of one or more computers with peripheral devices, software, human operators, etc., which in their entirety contribute to information processing. In OSI networks, it is also an intermedia system( IS), more commonly known as a node computer, or a non-routable host.
2. In OSI terminology, an End System( ES) is a non-routable host or node computer in an OSI network. According to OSI terminology, this End System (ES) is located at the network edge to the user.

Quelle: https://www.itwissen.info/en/end-system-OSI-ES-104436.html#gsc.tab=0


Die 7. Schicht des ISO OSI Schichtenmodell (Protokollschichten) ist die Anwendungsschicht.


Ein Endsystem ist quasi das Endgerät mit dem der Benutzer agiert. Sprich Benutzer-Computer, Handy, Drucker, usw.

 - (Computer, Internet)  - (Computer, Internet)