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2. Wired vs Wireless
Use a wired connection over wireless (if possible)
According to Rocket Science, some controllers have a lower input-latency if used wireless opposed to using it with a cable (wired). However, using a controller with a wireless connection will always introduce spikes in latency, which makes your input-lag a little bit more inconsistent. The spikes are very small and almost none-existent using a wired connection. The picture below illustrates a (lower) input-latency vs a consistent (yet higher) input-latency.
So the general rule is to use a wired connection when possible.
In practice, using a controller wirelessly is not bad, but the amount of added latency on your inputs will be more inconsistent. Using a wired connection may still introduce some input-lag, but it would be more consistent, so you can get used to it as opposed to Wireless.
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