Welche Zitate oder Sprüche gibt es in The Vampire Diaries?

3 Antworten

The Salvator brothers may fight like dogs but in the end they would die for each other. ~ Rebekha Mikaelson
Always and Forever ~ Mikaelson Family
I saw that you were perfect and so I loved you, then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more. ~ Klaus Mikaelson
He's your first love, I intend to be your last no matter long it takes. 
~ Klaus Mikaelson
That's family business ~ Elijah Mikaelson
Unless your blonde, Bennett witch or doppelganger, I suggest you stay clear. ~ Damon Salvatore
Sorry das es Englisch is, ich find Zitate klingen auf Deutsch nicht gut.
Wenn du Zitate suchst geh auf Pinterest, da findest du tausende ;)

Lilu1211  23.04.2016, 18:29

Bitte. Des waren mal meine Liebsten

 23.04.2016, 18:28

Ja oki gute Idee Danke trotzdem :)


"It's called dignity. Have some. It's free" – Bonnie

"It's funny how one event can change the outcome of our entire life" – Valerie

"Goodie! More amends! Drinks will help. Strong one." – Caroline

" ...And videos of cars rising robot vacuum cleaners" – Damon

"Damn. Crocodile Dundee called. He wants his knife back" – Kai

"I would rather die or cholera than spend an afternoon with you" – Bonnie

"Put thedamn crossbow down, Pocahontas" – Damon

"First rule of being a vampire is realising how awesome you are" – Elena

"Just a couple of days ago, I was psychic, I was immortal, I was in love ...
Now my neck hurts, my soul is crushed, I'm sitting in a bus stop in
frigging Delaware.“ - Silas

"Impressive, you're like Sherlock Holmes with brain damage" – Rebekah

 23.04.2016, 20:42

weiß du welche Staffel/ Folge das mit put the...,Pocahontas war ?

nhhw3kbdtl  28.04.2016, 18:25

ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher aber ich glaub es war 5x06 :)