Hey, bin in der 10. Klasse und habe demnächst eine Mündliche Prüfung in Englisch. Wir müssen eine Bildbeschreibung auf sagen, die wir schon zuhause vorbereitet haben. Das ist meine Bildbeschreibung:
The first picture I'd like to describe is picture number 8. It's a picture of the time of the Northern Ireland conflict, and it's a black-and-white photo. In the foreground you can see a child who is probably on his way going to school or just being alone on the streets. Next to the child there are cars, which are on fire along with looking destroyed. Trash is on the ground including smash objects. It could be possible that someone was bombing that place, but I'm doubting that because as can be seen there is a huge, attentive building in the background. Neither the building is destroyed, nor the windows. It's difficult to determine which color the building has, but is has graffities on it. This shows, that perhaps that area is kind of a poverty or even ghetto area, first because of the graffities and second because of the destroyed cars. Let's go back to the little boy in the centre. He is holding an object, which I guess he found on the street. In fact, he isn't looking happy like a child would look or be. For me, he seems angry and a bit sad. The boy is wearing a jacket as well as pants in several colors, and he is wearing a pair of shoes. Not to overlook, there is a smoke which is coming from the fire of the car. The atmosphere is definitely depressing.
Meine Fragen sind, ob es gut ist, welche grammatikalische Fehler es gibt, was ich verbessern kann, welche Note ihr geben würdet, usw?
Hier ist nochmal das Bild zusehen, kann ich da noch was hinzufügen?