DIscord buggt/laggt rum was tun?

1 Antwort

War ein Bug bei CloudFlare gestern, mittlerweile gefixt:


Mar 4, 2020
Root site availability
Resolved - The incident has been fully resolved.
Mar 4, 10:45 PST
Monitoring - Our partner has rolled back a problematic release and we are re-deploying our services now. Services are back now and we are monitoring.
Mar 4, 10:39 PST
Identified - We have identified the issue with our partner and they are also tracking on their end: https://www.cloudflarestatus.com/incidents/vxjgtxqyncqw
Mar 4, 10:34 PST
Update - The full Discord Infrastructure team is responding and looking for the root cause of the issue.
Mar 4, 10:26 PST
Investigating - Returning to investigating, believed fix was unsuccessful.
Mar 4, 10:20 PST
Identified - A fix is being implemented
Mar 4, 10:17 PST
Investigating - We are currently investigating an issue with discordapp.com.
Mar 4, 10:14 PST
Woher ich das weiß:Studium / Ausbildung – Informatikstudium für 4 Jahre, Ausbildung FIAE