Ähnliche Epic Musik wie "Heart of Courage"

2 Antworten

Es ist nicht zufällig "Conquest Of Paradise" von Vangelis?

lucool4  08.01.2016, 22:28

Ne sry, kanns nicht sein, bei conquest um Paradise summt immer ein chor, dann haettest Du das als Merkmal genannt^^


Hier mal eine Liste mit den bekannstesten epischen Liedern :)

Der Dadada-Rhytmus sagt mir grad nichts, vielleicht "Protectors of the Earth" von Two Steps From Hell?

Corner Stone Cues - Requiem For A Tower (LOTR Version)
Immediate Music - The Mother of All Battles
Immediate Music - Fatum Plebis
Immediate Music - World on a String
Immediate Music - Darkness On the Edge of Power
Immediate Music - Serenata Immortale
Immediate Music - Surrender To Hope
Globus - Preliator (Verlängerte Version von Immediates Lacrimosa)
Audiomachine - Legions of Doom
Audiomachine - Guardians At the Gate
Audiomachine - Breath And Life
Audiomachine - Akkardian Empire
Audiomachine - Danuvius
E.S.Posthumus - Unstoppable
E.S.Posthumus - Oraanu Pi
E.S.Posthumus - Mosane Pi
E.S.Posthumus - Pompeii
E.S.Posthumus - Tikal
Brand X Music - Eventide
Brand X Music - All Or Nothing
Epic Score - Creator of Worlds
Epic Score - OMG Run
Epic Score - I Still Have A Soul
Pfeifer Broz - Glacial Supremacy
Pfeifer Broz - Evil Island
Pfeifer Broz - DNA Reactor
Pfeifer Broz - Cooked Cell
Position Music - Trinity
Position Music - Satorius
Music Junkies - Brutal Revolution
City Of The Fallen - As Wings Blot out the Sun
City Of The Fallen - Seraphim
City Of The Fallen - Immortality
City Of The Fallen - Fall of the Rebellion
Gothic Storm - Waves of Destruction
Gothic Storm - Ascend To Power
Les Friction - Louder Than Words
Les Friction - Louder Than Words [Instrumental]
Fired Earth Music - Man Of Steel
Fired Earth Music - Heading For Battle
Mark Petrie - Richat
Mark Petrie - Grand Old Flag [Epic Version]