Hilfe mag 250 funktioniert nicht?

1 Antwort

Ich zitiere mal den Werksreset vom Hersteller, der meistens noch funktioniert. Ich vermute, daß Du Dir einen der beiden NAND Speicher zerschossen hast, aber ist evtl. noch zu retten:

Disconnect the power
Press the MENUE button on the remote (with the 3/4 lines on the left, not the HOME button)
Keep it pressed
Connect the power cord to the MAG box
A boot menue will show up
Choose the "DEF. SETTINGS" in the menue click the right button on the remote to confirm (should state "OK")
Maybe change the Bootmode to either NAND or NAND2
Then choose SAVE & EXIT
once the MAG256 reboots, please again press the MENUE button, keep it pressed
Menue will show up. Check the BOOT mode, it should be NAND or NAND2, not DHCP
Change it to NAND or NAND2, SAVE & EXIT
MAG256 should start in recovery mode.
Once MAG256 is startet, try a manual software update again!