Commands and Requests in Indirect Speech

2 Antworten

Ganz verstehe ich die Frage nicht.

Du hast recht. Bitten und Aufforderungen werden in der indirekten Rede mit einem "to-Infinitiv" wiedergegeben.

She told her to clean the bathroom.

She asked me to go to the supermarket.

Peter was asked not to smoke in his room.


Natürlich kann das einleitende Verb auch im Präsens stehen.

Every day she tells him to tidy up his room, but he never does it.



**Befehle, Bitten, Aufforderungen** in der indirekten Rede:

„Come to me, please.“ - She asked me to come to her. / She begged me to come to her.

“Keep away from this dog.” - He told me to keep away from that dog.

- **negative Befehle**

"Don't smoke, boys!” - He told the boys not to smoke.

“Don’t drink and drive!” - We were told not to drink and drive.

Die Grammatik und Übungen zur **Reported Speech** findest du auch im Internet, z.B. bei **** und ****.

:-) AstridDerPu