Hallo, gibt es in diesen Sätzen Fehler, also in den indirekten Reden?

1 Antwort

Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

2."Do I need a large suitcase for the trip?"

Indirect speech: He asked his parents if he needed a large suitcase for the trip.

4."Don´t you want to come too?"

Indirect speech: He asked his parents if they didn't want to come too.

6."Where will I meet them at the airport?"

Indirect speech: He asked his parents where he would meet them at the airport.

7."Where have you put my passport?"

Indirect speech: He asked his parents where they had put his passport.

8."Why do i have to go at all?"

Indirect speech: He asked his parents why he had to go at all.