Nexus Mod Manager einloggen nicht möglich?

2 Antworten

Skyrim ist zwar ein tolles Spiel, aber ich mag es nicht wenn Spiele nochmal "aufgewärmt" präsentiert werden. Ist doch nur ein Trick von Bethesda um mehr Geld aus dem Spiel rauszuholen. Wer Skyrim noch nicht hat, muss halt das Spiel kaufen um die neue Version spielen zu können. Tja und manche bezahlen eben noch den vollen Preis und suchen nicht mal nach einem Angebot.

Skyrim hab ich schon sehr sehr oft durch. Warum zum Geier sollte ich mir die neue Version holen, auch wenn sie für alle Besitzer von Skyrim Gratis ist? Warum?

Da spiele ich lieber die Story Mod Enderal.

Aber jedem das seine!

Woher ich das weiß:Hobby – Seit 1988 begeisteter Gamer aus Leidenschaft

Das Problem habe ich auch allerdings müssen alle Mods erstmal für die SE geschrieben werden. Heißt, dass es erst so ca. 200-300 mods gibt. Außerdem kannst du im Hauptmenü von Skyrim SE auf "Mods" gehen und sämtliche mods die es bis jetzt gibt Herunterladen.

Hoffe konnte helfen :)

 29.10.2016, 23:43

Danke für die Antwort :) dann muss ich noch ein wenig warten, denn viele mods werden über die bethesda seite betrieben, aber nexus ist mir dann doch um einiges lieber :D

Dragonlaw  29.10.2016, 23:51

Das hat DarkOne dazu geschrieben.

da drin steht das du die Mods von der Nexus seite Manuel installieren und einfügen kannst. Das wäre auch eine Lösung

Aber ich spiele immernoch lieber die Normale Version. Und da kloppe ich halt dann die ganzen Grafikmods rein xD sieht besser aus als SE c(:

Hi folks,

As most of you know, Skyrim Special Edition was released on Friday and naturally, a lot of people are clamouring to get mods for the game. Skyrim has always been our most popular game on Nexus Mods and the release of the Special Edition has seen an unprecedented amount of users access our site over the past 36 hours. There are currently 16,500 people online this Saturday afternoon (in the UK) when, on a normal Saturday, it would be around 8,500 people. As you can imagine, our web servers are taking a hammering. Thankfully our download CDN is extremely responsive to these sorts of short-term bursts and it's happily pumping out 15 Gbit of traffic to people downloading mods from the site and counting.

Our previous highest simultaneous user count was back during the Fallout 4 launch at around about the 13,000 mark. With 16,500 users currently online right now at a time that isn't even peak time (peak time being 7-9pm GMT when both the EU and US are online at the same time), I think we're heading to loftier heights yet. Saturday also isn't our busiest day, Sunday is. It's going to be an interesting weekend...

The reason why I'm telling you all this is to manage your expectations of this site over the weekend. Demand for Skyrim mods is obviously ridiculously high right now as many people are coming back to the game and starting on a fresh install. We're doing better than we have done in the past, for sure, and we're carefully shuffling our limited resources around to try and optimise things as much as possible. If the site is slow for you, bear with us. Similarly, if you get a bit of "maintenance" downtime or the like, please, bear with us. We've got staff monitoring the situation 24/7 right now in shifts to make sure we keep on top of it, but we can only manage and shuffle so much before things get overloaded.

Lastly, if things get too bad, we'll have to shut off the NMM services (and potentially other services). While NMM is important to us, it requires a crazy amount of resources to keep up and running and if we find it's affecting the performance of the site too much (to the point the sites aren't able to load) then we'll shut NMM login and download services off until things cool down. You'll still be able to use NMM offline, and install mods manually (download the mod to your hard-drive, then drag and drop the mod from your hard-drive to NMM), you just won't be able to login and download files from within NMM until such time as we turn the services back on.

You don't need to tell us when you can't login or download via NMM because we know, we're the ones who did it! If you see people asking why NMM isn't working for them on our Discord or on the forums, please direct them to this news post for clarification.

Lastly, we're aware of a few minor issues on the Skyrim SE site right now. First, we know the favicon is the wrong colour. You don't need to continue letting us know! Second, we're aware of an issue with the categories on Skyrim SE getting a bit...muddled. This was due to a mistake we made before launching the site. We believe we've corrected it, but some of your mods might currently be in the wrong category. Sorry about that, please move it back to the right category for your mod at your convenience. Because of all these category changes, NMM users might find that the categories they see in NMM don't match with the categories on the site. When you see a category mismatch in NMM, click the Category menu button and select "Categories: Update and reset to Nexus site defaults". This will fix the issue for you.

Thank you for your patience during this time, and the support being offered from many of you.