Ich habe eine Variante geschrieben , wie du es formulieren könntest. Bei den Strichen kannst du selber etwas einsetzen und bei den Schrägstrichen eine der beiden Varianten aussuchen. Natürlich musst du es nicht so sagen ,ist nur ein vorschlag.

Hello my name is ------- and Im ---- years old . Today I wanted to share some information about myself so that you can all get to know me a little better . I was born in ------ and stayed there for -----years / and Im still living there . Throughout my whole life family and friends played a very big role in it . Thats why I like spending time with those who are so dear to me in my fee time . My family consist of my parents (and my ---- siblings) and I also have a pet called ------ /and I unfortunately don't have a pet even though I would love to have one . Apart from that im also very interested in ----- because it brings me piece and makes me happy. My favourite subject in school is ---- because ---- . Lastly I would love to share that I love meeting new people and visiting new places / I am a rather introverted person , but Im working on becoming more open and not being afraid to face any new challenges in life . Thank you all for listening/ your attention and I hope that this helped you to get to know me better !

...zur Antwort

es kommt ganz auf den Satz an , aber meistens setzt man ein a davor. In welchen Satz möchtest du die Redewendung denn einfügen?

...zur Antwort
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