Tafsir ibn kathir 100% zuverlässig?

2 Antworten

Der Tafsir gilt als ein wenig umstritten:

Tafsīr al-Qurʾān al-ʿAẓīm is slightly controversial in western academic circles.
Henri Laoust regards it primary as a philological work and "very elementary".

als "engstirnig, dogmatisch":

Norman Calder describes it as narrow-minded, dogmatic, and skeptical against the intellectual achievements of former exegetes.
His concern is limited to rate the Quran by the corpus of Hadith and is the first, who flatly rates Jewish sources as unreliable, while simultaneously using them, just as prophetic hadith, selectively to support his prefabricated opinion.

eine "einzigartige Interpretation":

Otherwise, Jane Dammen McAuliffe regards this tafsir as, deliberately and carefully selected, whose interpretation is unique to his own judgment to preserve, that he regards as best among his traditions.


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