Hi und Guten Tag, Kann einer meine Englisch Text korrigieren?

2 Antworten

Vom Fragesteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet

In this comment (Komma) I would like to discuss the Statement (RS) whether [ (keine Klammer) Young (RS) people tend to waste their time instead of doing something useful such as giving something back to society] (keine Klammer).

I don't *1 really agree with this statement (Komma) because young people don't have to do something (Grammatik) just because they owe something to society. - 2 x because und 2 x something in einem Satz, ist ein wenig viel!

Wenn du den Satz so beginnst, muss du ihn umformulieren, z. B. In my opinion (Komma) young people do not ...

These (Wer oder was?) are two different aspects. I think that you should do something (Wie derholung) for the environment and in general something (Wiederholung)for yourself and its (Grammatik) future. 

Many (Viele wer oder was?) let their future drag (Ausdruck). I think that's *1 a shame. In my opinion, education should be seen as more important. And (stilistisch kein guter Satzanfang) what young people do nowadays is either (Hier fehlt ein Verb.) to school or to work and of course playing computer games. E. g. There (RS) are some students in our school who go to work immediately after school. Young people in particular showed the greatest consideration for adults and senior citizens during the corona pandemic and behaved in an exemplary manner. 

Now (Komma) young people are still not helping society or young people tend to waste their time (Punkt) - Die Pandemie ist noch nicht vorbei.

*1: Kurzformen wie diese werden vorwiegend im gesprochenen Englisch verwendet. In der Schriftsprache dagegen - zumindest in formellen Schreiben - sollte man solche und andere Kurzformen vermeiden und stattdessen Langformen verwenden.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B. pons.com,

für die Grammatik ego4u.de und englisch-hilfen.de - und Finger weg vom Google Übelsetzer und seinen tr.tteligen Kollegen!

:-) AstridDerPu

"In this comment, I would like to discuss the Statement whether [Young people tend to waste their time instead of doing something useful such as giving something back to the society].

In my opinion, I don't really agree with this statement because young people don't have to do something just because they owe something to the society. These are two different aspects. I think that you should do something for the environment and in general something for yourself and its future. Many let their future drag. I think that's a shame. In my opinion, education should be seen as more important. And what young people do nowadays is either to school or to work and of course playing computer games. E.g. There are some students in our school who go to work immediately after school. Young people in particular showed the greatest consideration for adults and senior citizens during the corona pandemic and behaved in an exemplary manner. Now young people are still not helping society or young people tend to waste their time"

Woher ich das weiß:Studium / Ausbildung – Fachkenntnisse in den jeweiligen Sprachen.