Yes, it is generally legal to buy items from Temu and resell them at a higher price. This practice, known as retail arbitrage, is common. While you don't have to indicate the items are from Temu, doing so can build customer trust.

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If I could travel to any year, I would choose 2050. Experiencing the future firsthand would offer a unique perspective on technological advancements, societal changes, and environmental progress. Understanding how current issues are resolved and what new innovations have emerged would be incredibly valuable. Plus, having the ability to return to the present anytime would allow me to use this knowledge to help shape a better future.

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Severe pain under the right ribs could be due to muscle strain, gallbladder issues, liver problems, rib injury, or even appendicitis. Given the intensity and impact on your movement, it's important to seek medical attention promptly to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment.

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Ich glaube, eines meiner liebsten und gesündesten Gerichte ist eine Kartoffel mit einer Karotte, ein Kürbis mit Zwiebeln und etwas Knoblauch und Olivenöl sowie etwas roter und schwarzer Pfeffer. Mischen Sie alles zusammen und geben Sie es hinein

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