Englisch Textüberarbeitung Rechtschreibfehler?

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The excerpt from an autobiographical text is from the book „Finding Nevo“ by Nevo Zisin. It was published in 2017. The headline is: „What‘s in a name?“ It is Nevo’s story of life.

Liat (l. 1) is the birth name of Nevo. He always had a son rather than a daughter relationship to his father (l. 89). He outs in two steps. Firstly Nevo thought that he is a lesbian (l. 83) but soon he changes his pronouns from she/her to they/ them or he/him (l. 30). Nevo had a nice childhood and refers his childhood to the name „Liat“. He likes this name but still it doesn’t feel right for him. When others use his birth name it sometimes feels like an insult because he doesn’t feel accepted (l. 38ff.). He begins searching for a new name (l. 47). His mother is having a hard time understanding and accepting it (l. 60f.). It is important for him that his new name will be a Hebrew name just like the name „Liat“ is (l. 71-73). His friend helps him on deciding a name (l. 71-73). He asks a leader in a Hebrew camp which one her favourite boy name is. She answered with „Nevo“ (l. 75). He wears the name outside the house (l. 74f.), but his mother finds out (l. 77). She accepts it and chooses her middle name „Amiel“ (l. 78f.). He outs to his father and he was quite alright with it (l. 98f.).

The point of view that is used in this passage is first-person perspective. This makes the reader feel close to the author.

The author writes about the names „Nevo“ with lots of love. They really like this name. Also, They describe situations of their life closely: „… they would never see me for who I truly was, …“(l. 43f.). This gives an inside view of Nevos thoughts. The way that he says that it is important for him that the name will be Hebrew (l. 50ff.) makes me feel like I’m a friend of his. He feels confident with this name and „it felt right“ (l. 69). This makes me feel happy for him. The author also influences my impression of Nevo strongly through meaningful adjectives. He describes that when he left the house as Nevo he was „authentically and truthfully“ (l. 75f.).

Englisch, Schule, Schüler, Grammatik, Hausaufgaben, Rechtschreibung
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