Ich mache dir nur die HA weil mir langweilig ist und auf Grammatik und Rechtschreibung habe ich nicht geachtet, das musst du halt selber machen und die story kannst du auch kürzen.

A trip went wrong

Summer has come and I finally was free of exhausted Exam papers.
I planned to go with my friend on a road trip. In order to have a fun holiday trip, I packed everything and even my unnecessary things i didn’t know i would need later.

I guess i was too excited for this trip that i left the house without my money and my phone.
Yes iam forgetful and i know should have checked twice but of course i wouldn’t.

My lazy mind won me over so i went on the road trip with my friend.

The next thing happens was kinda unexpected but that’s how life goes and I guess everyone has his unlucky moments.

My Car suddenly didn’t work, we were literally in the middle of the road and we were totally lost because it was also nighttime.

My friend suggested to go to that House, which had lights on.

First of all i was too scared but in the end i made it infront of the door and knocked three times.

Noone opened the door, so i was about to go back but the door opened suddenly and a old lady came out, asking me what i wanted from her.

We explained our situation and she offered help but under one condition: I had to give her money or some worth things.
Since I had no money i literally searched through my suit case to find something worth.

But suddenly the old lady pushed me to the side and grabbed after some murmels, which i had no idea i had with.

Then she said that she exactly needed these murmels and took us with her to her house, where we were allowed to sleep one night.

And the next morning i called for help and we were able to go back home with the help of the lady.

...zur Antwort

Du bist noch zwar zu jung um Schminke zu tragen, denn deine Haut früh zu beschädigen, ist keine gute Idee aber das ist halt deine Entscheidung

Also ich würde es mit 17 auftragen aber wenn es nur einmal für ein Geburtstag verwendet wird, ist das ok für deine Haut. Nur tu es halt nicht öfters:)

...zur Antwort
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