Hey, Liebe GT Communitie ^^ Ich habe in der Schule die Aufgabe bekommen einen Englischen Text über Rassismus zu schreiben. Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher ob er mir gelungen ist. Und möchte keine Fehler begehen immerhin stehe ich gerade auf einer schlechten Note. Erbarmt sich jemand diesen zu kontrollieren??? Ober er okay ist oder so.
Racism is an evil that can destroy society. The definition of racism is for example when a person, a group, not accepted because of their skin color, their religion, their sex and their origin. Austria is a nation of immigrants and, as such, it is a diverse society where racism and prejudice have no place. Racism hurts people. I myself never became actually really a discriminated. But that’s only me. The new one will be always looked with mistrust. This true lies in the nature of the Humans. In society today, people look for an easy way out of problems. Most of the time, they can just blame their problems on other people or other races. When people behave in this prejudiced way, they just make themselves seem ignorant. I think that if people could see beyond ethnic origin, racism would not be a problem.