ich bin zwar noch nicht soweit das ich Einstellungstest absolvieren muss, habe aber auch das Problem mit dem Allgemeinwissen und Nervosität. Ich finde in der Schule sollte sowas auch mehr vermittelt werden

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LOL 3 Tüten? Naja was willste machen? Hinlegen und abwarten bis es vorbei ist. Oder er steckt sich den Finger in den Hals, damit er spucken muss, dann hat er es hinter sich.

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Wie findet ihr diesen englischen Aufsatz?

Hallo Community! Mich würde interessieren, was ihr vom folgenden englischen Aufsatz haltet. Bitte sagt eure ehrliche Meinung und es wäre auch nett, wenn ihr meine Fehler verbessern könntet:

Essay: The best holiday

Last year my whole family went to Turkey. First it was a little bit stressful because we had to pack our bags and everyone forgot something. A few minutes before we went to airport, our car hadn’t work. So all were very angry. My mum asked in a sad way: „What should we do now? I want to go to holiday! I don’t believe that. Every time when we want to go abroad, there are always some problems!“ Of course we repaired the car fast and my mum felt relieved. We were late because of the problem with the car, so we were in a hurry. Finally we sat in the plane and were very happy. „Now we are flying to Turkey and in a few hours we will lie at the beach! I’m so glad!“ I proclaimed. Ten hours later we arrived at the hotel area. I couldn’t believe my eyes, it was so beautiful. The sun shone hot and everywhere I could see palms. And I was able to hear the sound of the sea. My whole family smiled and was happy. „It’s so nice here, I don’t want to go back home!“ continued my father. First we considered our hotel and after we had unpacked our bags in our hotel room, we all enjoyed a nice cocktail. Of course we also went to the beach to go swimming in the waves of the sea. Every day we lied outside in the sun and relaxed. The holiday went on very fast, so on the last day of our trip to Turkey, we were very disappointed because we had to leave this nice place again. „I want to stay here. It was a wonderful idea to go to Turkey!“ my sister claimed. After the last day of our trip, we agreed that this was the best holiday we ever had, although there was a little problem at the beginning of our holidays. My whole family enjoyed themselves at the seaside and I’m sure we will spend our holiday here in Turkey again!

PS: Ich gehe in die 7. Klasse (falls es jemanden interessiert)

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"A few minutes before we went to airport, our car hadn’t work" Sicher das der Satz richtig ist? ("our car hadn't work") naja keine Lust mir alle durchzulesen

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