xd kann jemand bitte meine englisch Präsi kontrollieren danke im Vorraus?

4 Antworten

u ist you.
Die Struktur würde ich als nummerierte Liste aufführen.
What is Anime?
comic books
Statt It comes from würde ich schreiben It is derived from
in 1907
are referred to as the fathers of
became oder has become
Anime genres
are like by -- häh?
Auflistungen werden durch Kommas getrennt.
They have all started in
Grundsätzlich wird aus a an vor einem Wort, dass mit einem Vokal beginnt.

Der Text ist schon echt super :) Hab dir mal paar Dinge korrigiert und umgeschrieben. Viel Erfolg bei der Präsentation.

Hello my name is () and today I want to give *you* a short presentation
about anime. The structure is what's an anime, History of anime, anime
genres, characteristics of anime, what's a anime convention and the big
What's *an* anime:
Anime is a term for a style of Japanese comic *books*.
It comes from the English word animation.

History of anime:
The first
animation was a 3 second video *published in*1907 () , (), () are referred *to as* the fathers of anime. In 1980s anime *became* mainstream in Japan.

Anime genre:
*Animes are split into different genres like* action horror etc. Kodomo *is a genre* for children under 12 years. Shoujo *is* for girls between 12 and 15 years. Shonen *is* for boys between 12 and 15 years. Josei for *women* over 16. Seinen *is* for *men* over 16.

Characteristics of anime:
Many moods, emotions and expressions, Special eyes

What's a anime convention?
An anime convention is *an* event with a
primary focus on anime, manga and Japanese culture.

The big four:
The big four anime are dragonball, one piece, naruto and bleach.
They *were all released* in the 1998/1999s and one piece and dragonball *haven't* ended yet.

That was my short presentation about anime.
Thank you for *your attention* .

Nur ein paar "Schnipsel"
Bleibe bitte bei "an anime" und dann auch "an event"
Mehrzahl von man ist men, Mehrzahl von woman ist women.
1980 anime became...

Zum lesen ziemlich langweilig. Musst es halt beim reden interessant rüberbringen. Ansonsten ist er recht gut. Ein paar Korrekturen:

Hello my name is () and today I want to give you a short presentation about anime. The structure is: what is an anime, the history of anime, anime genres, characteristics of anime, what is an anime convention and the Big Four. What is an anime: Anime is a term for a style of Japanese comic book. It comes from the English word animation. The history of anime The first animation was a 3 second video in 1907 () , (), () are referred the father of anime In 1980s anime became mainstream in Japan. Anime genre: Anime genres are equal to film genres like action, horror etc. Kodomo for children under 12 years, Shoujo for girls between 12 and 15 years, Shonen for boys between 12 and 15 years Josei for women (females wäre besser) over 16, Seinen for men (males) over 16. Characteristics of anime: Many different moods, emotions and expressions, special eyes. What is an anime convention? An anime convention is an event with a primary focus on anime, manga and Japanese culture. The big four: The big four animes are dragonball, one piece, naruto and bleach. They came all out in  1998/1999 and one piece and dragonball hasn't ended yet. Thanks for listening that was my short presentation about anime