Watch dogs 1 fehler (Unable to find supported Text language) Win 10 fix?

1 Antwort

Lese oft das dieser fix helfen soll.

1- Exit out of Uplay completely. You may need to close the application from the Task Bar.
2- Locate the game's install folder. By default, it is: C:\Program Files(x86)\Ubisoft\gamesWATCH_DOGS
3- Rename game folder to Watch_Dogs_Patch.
4- Restart Uplay and Login to your account.
5- Under the Games Tab, click on the Watch_Dogs game tile.
6- Underneath the Play button, click Locate Installed Game.
7- Navigate to the renamed gamed folder of Watch_Dogs_Patch and select it.
8- The play button has changed to Download. Select the Download button, and it will download 1.5 GB worth of new files.
9- Allow the download to finish. You should now be able to launch and play Watch_Dogs!
Woher ich das weiß:Hobby – 17 Jahre Gaming Erfahrung

 15.02.2020, 12:53

Ich hoffe, das klappt. Danke!