Warum gibt es bei NBA Basketball keine Netze/Wände?

2 Antworten

Ich zitiere auf Englisch direkt vom Autor (darf es):

"NBA Basketball doesn't have any nets or walls because they are not required to play the game. Basketball was originally developed in an open-court setting and it was assumed that the court had an unlimited space. It was assumed that the ball would not land behind the boundaries of the court because players would have caught it beforehand.

However, the rules for NBA basketball are designed to allow the game to be played on a limited court without requiring nets or walls. It is common for a line to be drawn on the floor to mark the boundaries of the court, and for an overhead netting system to be in place to prevent the ball from going out of bounds.

Overall, it is not necessary for NBA basketball to have a built-in boundary, and the game continues to be played without nets or walls."

Weil es dann nicht mehr Courtside wäre.

Die Tickets in der ersten reihe kosten auch mal gute 5-10000$. Wenn man da noch eine riesen Glasscheibe vor sich hat dann bezahlt dass doch niemand.