Ist dieser Englisch Text gut?

5 Antworten

Vom Beitragsersteller als hilfreich ausgezeichnet


hier meine Korrektur:

In the evening, when I wanted to go to the bed, I heard a very loud noise outside. I looked out of the window, but there was nothing. I went back to bed, but then I suddenly heard a new, (even) louder noise outside. Suddenly (All of a sudden), the windows were / the window was broken and they kidnapped me. I wasn't able to see where they went (kein Komma) because they blindfolded me. After a long time, some people were crying, I didn’t know what happened, but suddenly the blindfold fell down and I was able to see something. I saw an attractive lady and also saw where I was. I was on board a pirate ship. I was very afraid (kein Komma) because I didn't know what they wanted from me, but suddenly I heard something like a sword fight. I really like adventures, but only in movies or something else, but not in real life. But then, I hear a beep. It got louder and louder. Suddenly I woke up and found out (kein Komma) that all I had seen was just a dream...

Du musst auf die Zeiten achten. Und solltest nicht so oft suddenly verwenden.

Einiges könnte man noch umschreiben, aber es soll ja dein Text bleiben.

Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

:-) AstridDerPu

 22.05.2011, 22:37

Wow, danke :D Scheint alles korrekt zu sein, soweit ich sehe ^^ Danke danke danke :D Und nächstes mal fange ich wirklich früher an Texte zu schreiben ^^

AstridDerPu  23.05.2011, 09:29

Schön, dass dir meine Antwort gefallen hat. Hoffentlich hat's geholfen.

Danke für das Sternchen!

:-) AstridDerPu


Also ich würde es nicht so radikal L3nkrad ausdrücken, aber du könntest noch einiges verbessern. Schau dir mal genau deine Past-Formen an, denn die sind fast alle falsch ! Welche Klasse bist du wenn ich fragen darf ?

Also einmal schreibst du in der Gegenwart und einmal in der Vergangenheitform .

Ich galube du willst den Text in der Vergangenheitsform schreiben oder? :)

 22.05.2011, 22:17

Ja, wollte ich ^^" Ich habs nicht so mit den Zeiten im Englischen ^^


In the evening, as i wanted to go to the bed, I heard a very loud noise outside. I looked out off the window, but there was nothing. I went back to the bed, but then i suddenly heard a louder noise outside. Suddenly, the windows was broken and they abducted me. I can't see where they went, because they blindfolded me. After a long time, some people were crying, I didn't know what happened, but suddenly the blindfold fell down and I could see something. I saw a attractive lady and also saw where I am. I was on a pirate ship. I was very afraid, because I didn't know what they wanted from me, but suddenly I heard something that sounded like a sword fight. I really like adventures but only in movies or something else, but not in real life. But then I heard a beep. It got louder and louder. Suddenly I woke up and found out, that all I saw was just a dream...

-Achte auf die Zeit. Du tendierst dazu zwischen den Zeiten zu wechseln! -Vor dem "but" kommt im Englishen kein Beistrich -Versuch keine Wortwiederholungen zu machen und deine Sätze zu verbinden

Hab dir oben eig. nur die Zeitfehler korrigiert..

Pineapple94  22.05.2011, 22:24

Also da haben sich auch einige Fehler eingeschlichen..The window , i Couldn't see, I saw an attractive lady and where I was located....that all what i have seen was just a dream ..

 22.05.2011, 22:19

Wow o.O Epischen dank ^-^ Eigentlich hatte ich ja nicht verlangt, das es einer macht, aber echt vielen dank :D

GreenDayyx3  22.05.2011, 22:22

Pass auf, er hat nur die Zeitfehler berichtigt. Da sind noch mehr Fehler. Es heißt an attractive Lady und nimm mal im letzten Satz " I realized " dann hört sich alles viel besser an. :)


..Du schreibst voll du falschen Zeiten..

In the evening, when I wanted to go to the bed, I heard a very loud noise outside. I looked out off the window, but there wasn't anything. I went back to the bed but then heard a new louder noise outside. Suddenly the window was broken and they kidnapped me. I couldn't see where they were gone because they were blindfolding me. After a long time, some people were cyring, I didn't know what happened but suddenly the blindfold felt down and I could see something. I saw an attractive lady and also where I am. I was on a pirate ship and I was very afraid because I didn't know what they wanted from me but after that I heard something like a sword fight. I really like adventures but only in movies. Then, I heard a beep. It becames louder and louder and suddenly I woke up and realized : It was just a dream.

karigan  22.05.2011, 22:26

Diese Korrektur gefällt mir bis jetzt am besten DH

kleine Korrektur: I wanted to go to bed.

the blindfold fell down...

and also where I was...

It became louder and louder...

I couldnt see where they were gone (das klingt irgendwie falsch kanns aber nicht direkt fest machen)