Erörterung/Comment english zap zp gut?!

2 Antworten

Worser ist falsch ->worst 

Must->need oder have to say...

The worst thing ever is that the economic system could crash.

Million->Millions of People

There are lots of reasons why we should forbid against or for smokers. 

Sorry,dass ich die Reihenfolge nicht beachtet habe 


Nowadays Komma many people think that smoking should be forbidden. Is that right ? There are many reasons for and against (Hier fehlt etwas.).

The first point is that it is like toxic for people when they smoke. Moreover Komma a lot of guys smoke outside where many other people are. It could be that they smoke passive and it is quite worser than smokes active. But then we can forbid it only on places where are many people.

The reason is that if we banned smoking Komma all companys become (Zeit) poor and million (Hier fehIt etwas.) their jobs.

But the mainly point is that the state earn(Gramma) fewer money kein Komma because they get less tax and they need money for different causes. That is why they must raise the land tax. At worst ih can be that the economic system crash.

After looking Hier fehlt etwas. both sides Komma I must say that it could be very dangerous to banned smoking. The only thing (---) we could do

is not to allowed it when children are near the smoker to safe them.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B.,

für die Grammatik und
