Englisch Präsentation?

3 Antworten


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Bullet points

Bullet points are used to draw attention to important information within a document so that a reader can identify the key issues and facts quickly. There are no fixed rules about how to use them, but here are some guidelines:

1.The text introducing the list of bullet points should end with a colon.

2. If the text that follows the bullet point is not a proper sentence, it doesn’t need to begin with a capital letter, nor end with a period. For example:

Tonight's agenda includes:

  •    annual review of capital gains issues
  •    outstanding inheritance tax issues

3. If the text following the bullet point is a complete sentence, it should begin with a capital letter, while a period at the end is technically required but is not absolutely essential:

The agenda for tonight is as follows:

  •    We will conduct an annual review of capital gains issues.
  •    Attorney Sanso will talk about outstanding inheritance tax issues.



Hallo 😊. Von Relevanz ist , dass es einheitlich ist. Punkte gibt es keine , das kenne ich derart nicht denn in einer Präsentation verfasst man keinen Text (Stichpunkte sind etwas anderes:)) . Ich schrieb/schreibe in meiner Präsentation/meinen Präsentationen die Informationen klein , Namen bleiben stets groß (beispielsweise ,,London“ , my friend ,,Bloom“) .