Wann fing charlie an zu rauchen?( the perks of being a wallflower)?

1 Antwort


Peer Pressure
Peer Pressure is another theme visible throughout the entire novel. One example of peer pressure is when Charlie started smoking, obviously due to the fact that he wanted to fit in with his friends Sam and Patrick who smoked daily. He also gave in to peer pressure multiple times in the novel when he got high, like the time he took LSD. Charlie also began buying pot from his friend Bob. I think some less obvious examples of peer pressure in the novel was when Charlie went to his first party, even though he really wanted to go, I believe a part of him wanted to go to the party to be accepted by Sam and Patrick so that he can feel that he is part of a group. There were a lot of times when Charlie’s actions were caused by peer pressure and this why I believe it is a theme in the novel.


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 - (Buch, Rauchen, Literatur)