laut Webster dictionary:
Rhymes with STUDIO acid snow, afterglow, aikido, alpenglow, apropos, art deco, art nouveau, audio, Baguio, Bamako, barrio, bay window, Bergamo, bibelot, Bilbao, black widow, blow-by-blow, body blow, bone marrow, bordereau, Borneo, bow window, buffalo, Buffalo, bungalow, Bushido, buteo, calico, cameo, cachalot, cembalo, centimo, CEO, chassepot, cheerio, Clemenceau, cogito, comedo, comme il faut, counterflow, Cupid's bow, curaçao, Curaçao, curassow, curio, daimyo, danio, Delano, Diderot, do-si-do, domino, dynamo, embryo, entrepôt, Erato, escargot, Eskimo, extrados, fabliau, folio, French window, fricandeau, furbelow, gigolo, golden glow, go-no-go, grass widow, guacharo, hammer throw, hammertoe, haricot, heel-and-toe, hetero, high and low, HMO, Holy Joe, horror show, Idaho, in a row, indigo, in escrow, in the know, Jericho, kakapo, latigo, little toe, long-ago, Longfellow, Maceió, Maginot, Manchukuo, medico, Mexico, mistletoe, modulo, Monaco, Navajo, NCO, nuncio, oleo, olio, on tiptoe, Oreo, overflow, overgrow, overthrow, ovolo, Pamlico, Papago, paseo, picaro, piccolo, Pierrot, polio, pomelo, pompano, portico, PPO, Prospero, proximo, quid pro quo, radio, raree-show, ratio, Richard Roe, Rochambeau, rococo, rodeo, Romeo, rose window, round window, saddlebow, Sapporo, sapsago, Scapa Flow, Scipio, Scorpio, semipro, show window, sloppy joe, so-and-so, SRO, standing O, status quo, stereo, stop-and-go, subito, tallyho, tangelo, Taranto, tic-tac-toe, TKO, to-and-fro, Tokyo, tombolo, touch-and-go, tournedos, tremolo, tuckahoe, tupelo, UFO, ultimo, undergo, undertow, Veneto, vertigo, vibrio, video, virago, vireo, Zhangjiakou, zydeco

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Laut Wiki (
"Here Comes the Hotstepper" is a dancehall song by musician Ini Kamoze, co-written with Richard Winsland and recorded in 1994. It extrapolates the well-known "na na na na na..." chorus from the song "Land of a Thousand Dances" by Chris Kenner, later covered by Wilson Pickett. To date it is Kamoze's only US number-one hit. It also made the UK Top 5, peaking at number 4.

The song was particularly popular in fashion shows of the 1990s. It was also featured in Prêt-à-Porter and a music video with footage from the film was released and included on the U.S. VHS release of the movie.

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nicht mehr in den USA present

"Manifest Destiny" bedeutet dass man andere Länder seine Werte, Kultur,politische Auffassungen usw aufzwingt, weil man das als seine "Pflicht" sieht und von sich selbst überzeugt ist. Aber zur Zeit, gibt es zu viele innenpolitische Probleme zu lösen. Hiefür muss USA Zeit und Geld investieren. Aussenpolitisch, wollen sie zwar gut darstehen, aber nur als Helfer,Vorbild und Partner, NICHT als diktierende Macht. Also - keine Expansion!

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