Meine Lieblingssprüche sind:

Musik so laut bis der Bass meinen Herzschlag kontrolliert.

Be kind, be honest, be true, be loving, and all these things will come back to you.

I'm so fucking tired of moving oceans for people who wouldn't even lift their little finger for me.

Dazu haben wir doch Augen? Um hinzuschauen wenn dort etwas ist, was gesehen werden muss. 

And if you lose yourself, I will find you.

"Es ist nur Papier und kontrolliert trotzdem dein Leben."

Wenn du anfängst an dir selbst zu zweifeln haben schlechte Menschen gute Arbeit geleistet.

Don't let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.

You see, the difference between "boyfriend" and "boy friend" is this little space, we call the friend zone.

They think I'm using you. They don't know you. They think that we're ugly, but I know we're beautiful. 

Daddy said, "If boys don't like you, they are absolutely gay"

If you live to be 100, I want to live to 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.

The loneliest people are the kindest, and the saddest people smile the brightest. 

Dummheit kennt zwar keine Grenzen, aber dafür verdammt viele Leute.

Das Problem ist nicht das Problem selbst. Das Problem ist deine Einstellung zu dem Problem. Verstehst du?

And the night of the day, when I'm going to die, I promise you, I'll lit up the sky.

Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity.

The scariest thing about crazy chicks is: they usually have a crazier friend that will help them do to the craziest shit.

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