Ja das klatschen .. :D

Nein Spaß bei Seite. Setz dich mit deiner Schwester und deinen Eltern an einen Tisch und REDET dadrüber ..

.. es muss dir nicht peinlich sein ;-)

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TaDa! :)

Tokyo, the capital of Japan is with about 12 million inhabitants one of the biggest towns of the world. They reach Tokyo about the airport of Narita. Tokyo has 23 districts which have everybody own centre. Shopping centre, cafes and restaurants are mostly nearby to railway stations. There are places of interest zuhauf. Everywhere one can discover shrines and temples. Fashion lovers can let off steam in the numerous stores and their line of products. The million metropolis Tokyo belongs to the most interesting and most modern towns of the world.

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ATU, ADAC, Werkstätte(nicht alle),...

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