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Greta Thunbergs speech at the UN climate action summit was talked about on any media platform around the world. Most of the people were emotionally moved by the words she had to say. Sadly not only because they agreed with her, there are still some who are disenting her. The biggest Problem in this situation is that you can not identify who is against the message she is trying to deliver, and who is just upset that a sixteen year old girl is all over the media.

In the speech she held, she accuses the governement of not really understanding the urgency or even not knowing what global warming exactly is. She may be right when the president of the USA postet, right after a big snowstorm and minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded in the US on twitter, that he thought temperatures must only rise in global warming or better said climate change...

Some critics say that she is just too young to be the face of the climate change movement and that she cant bring up some new arguments that bring the discussion forward. She aggrees with them because she also thinks that she should not be there, that she should be in school learning for her future. That it should be crystal clear who should bring up changes but counters that the governement ignores, since over thirty years, more than 97% of grown up climate scientist. This comes because the scientist can only deliver uncomfortable answers that are not conform with the politicans expectations she said. The politicians must be just chilidsh that they are scared to speak out the truth and too scared to bring forth prohibitions or real solutions she said. On one hand they think she is too young stand up and on the other they love to see young people trying to build technologys to suck hundreds of tons of their produced CO2 out of the air but dont support them financially or dont want to find a way to use it in their own businesses. But what i think mainly disproved the point of her being too young is that she is not the first underage activist who stood up for not only her but the voice of a generation and had an impact on the whole world.

Malala Yousafzai, who suffered under the Taliban's reign of terror; the Yezidin Nadia Murad, who was tortured by the IS - there are cases where young people need to come out in public to draw attention to terrible developments.

An other comment on the climate change and global warming thing was that it is just a hoax invented by the chinese to make US manufracturing less competetive… wich later was declared as a joke by Donald Trump. He also said that he has a naturally good instinct for science and that the weather will change by its own... After a few months he postet that the global warming is the biggest and most expensive conspiracy theory ever told and the most sciences are politically motivated. His explanation might sound true to him and three percent of the climate scientist that may have his back but in real life there are a bit over 97 percent of climate scientist out of 80 scientific academies and other organisations who can definetly agree with Greta.

Some critics like Fabian Hock, a Swiss Editor, even said that it is impossibile to change now, because the system provided and supported all over the years for example cole stripper, big automobile firms and big incineration companies. But Greta does not care who may has a small impact in his life by cutting these companies off. Greta thinks big, because everyone would feel sooner or later a bad effect of the global warming and then it is about to live or to die. But more about to die because it may be to late. And when someone thinks the actions like this against the global warming doesnt fit in the system Greta says that we need to change the system to make the world a life friendly area.

Politicans make the people believe they are doing enough or their best to reduce the global warming gasses, when really the best is to make a radical step and stop to produce them technically. They make us think we can have a real chance to hold the warming under 1.5 grad celsius and we can avoid other chain reactions like animal, plant or even human extinction, when it is really not even a 50 percent chance. Scientist also claim that there were only 420 Gigatons of co2 that could be realised to the air without big impacts on the world in 2018. Now that it is one year later there are only 350 gigatons left.

Despite that there are already people suffering and dying from hurricanes,heats and colds and whole ekosystems are collapsing, politicians still think this is how the world goes and humanity had no impact on the global warming.

I build my opinion out of facts and since there are no real facts against the climate change and global warming but pipe dreams of too extroverted politicians that i refuse to believe, ill give my voice to greta and 97% of all climate sciencist.  I can understand critics about greta as a too young teenage person. But since nobody ever cared about scientist for like 30 years i think she is the right person to be the face of the movement. And people who just think they are superior just because of their age but not of knowledge should just get some knowledge and start their own climate movement. I think there cant be enough people supporting the movement or just Greta for being brave enough to stand up, as a 16 year old girl, for not only a whole genration but the whole World, with everyone and everything naturally in it. Critics need to understand that even if she does not wake sympathie, she fights for the right thing. People think we risk our future by not showing up for one day in school to stand up against a system of conspiracy theorists, when really the governement is risking all our lifes.

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