- You have a place in my heart nobody else ever could have. 

- Deep conversations with someone who understands you is everything. 

- (Best) Friends : The people you can get mad at for only a short period of time, because you've got important stuff to tell them.

- How amazing is it to find someone, who wants to hear about all the things that go on in your head.

-Friends will make you realize that being single is not a big deal. 

- Your secret is safe with me and my best friend.

- Best friends are people you don't need to talk to every single day. You don't need to talk to each other for weeks, but when you do, it's as if you'd never stopped talking. 

Ich hoffe da ist einer für dich dabei und ich konnte helfen ☺

...zur Antwort

Mit 14 ist man ja normalerweise nicht "ausgewachsen". Ich würde mal vermuten, dass du noch wächst. Aber das kann dir im Endeffekt eig. nur ein Arzt beantworten, anhand deiner Wachstumsfugen etc. Ich hoffe ich konnte dir helfen

...zur Antwort
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