Welches Edelgas wurde als erstes entdeckt? Argon oder Helium?

4 Antworten

Hi, He 1868/9 spektral in der Sonne nachgewiesen durch Julius Janssen. Ramey entdeckte die restlichen Edelgase 1892 bis 1897. Helium wurde von ihm 1894 synthetisiert. Gruß Osmond. http://www.seilnacht.com/Lexikon/2Helium.htm Zitat: Während der totalen Sonnenfinsternis im Jahre 1868 beobachteten der französische Astrophysiker Pierre Jules César Janssen in Indien und der englische Astronom Sir Joseph Norman Lockyer in London im Spektrum der Sonne eine Spektrallinie, die auf eine neues Element hinwies. Auf Vorschlag Lockyers erhielt das Element den Namen Helium von griechisch hélios ("Sonne"). Als Reinstoff wurde es jedoch erst durch den englischen Chemiker Sir William Ramsey im Jahre 1894 synthetisiert und als Helium erkannt.

helium wurde als erstes element es periodensystems überhaupt "entdeckt" bzw aufgelistet argon war dann wohl das erste - zweite edelgas das man entdeckt hat, um eine neue kathegorie (eben die der edelgase) zu eröffnen

"noble gas." Encyclopædia Britannica. Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2010:

In 1785 Henry Cavendish, an English chemist and physicist, found that air contains a small proportion (slightly less than 1 percent) of a substance that is chemically less active than nitrogen. A century later Lord Rayleigh, an English physicist, isolated from the air a gas that he thought was pure nitrogen, but he found that it was denser than nitrogen that had been prepared by liberating it from its compounds. He reasoned that his aerial nitrogen must contain a small amount of a denser gas. In 1894, Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, collaborated with Rayleigh in isolating this gas, which proved to be a new element—argon.

After the discovery of argon, and at the instigation of other scientists, in 1895 Ramsay investigated the gas released upon heating the mineral clevite, which was thought to be a source of argon. Instead, the gas was helium, which in 1868 had been detected spectroscopically in the Sun but had not been found on Earth.

Ramsay and his coworkers searched for related gases and by fractional distillation of liquid air discovered krypton, neon, and xenon, all in 1898.

Radon was first identified in 1900 by German chemist Friedrich E. Dorn; it was established as a member of the noble-gas group in 1904. Rayleigh and Ramsay won Nobel Prizes in 1904 for their work.

In 1895 the French chemist Henri Moissan, who discovered elemental fluorine in 1886 and was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1906 for that discovery, failed in an attempt to bring about a reaction between fluorine and argon. This result was significant because fluorine is the most reactive element in the periodic table. In fact, all late 19th- and early 20th-century efforts to prepare chemical compounds of argon failed. The lack of chemical reactivity implied by these failures was of significance in the development of theories of atomic structure. In 1913 the Danish physicist Niels Bohr proposed that the electrons in atoms are arranged in successive shells having characteristic energies and capacities and that the capacities of the shells for electrons determine the numbers of elements in the rows of the periodic table. On the basis of experimental evidence relating chemical properties to electron distributions, it was suggested that in the atoms of the noble gases heavier than helium, the electrons are arranged in these shells in such a way that the outermost shell always contains eight electrons, no matter how many others (in the case of radon, 78 others) are arranged within the inner shells.

Helium wurde in der Tat zuerst entdeckt, allerdings nur indirekt als Spektrallinie 1868. Man wusste das es auf der Sonne einen Stoff geben muss, der diese Spektrallinie erzeugt. Erst 1895 konnte dann das eigentliche Gas gefunden werden.

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