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BBC Radio 4 Extra - Two Minute Tales - Episode guide

könnte möglicherweise von BBC stammen

frodobeutlin100  21.12.2021, 18:26

worum geht es in der Geschichte?

 21.12.2021, 18:48

Ich habe den Text mal agbetippt (mit den namen trz keine quellen gefunden):

I plan for every eventuality. That's always been my strength. The story i worked out to place me 30 miles away at the time of my wife's death, was very nearly perfect. It would have been perfect, but for Tony. Tony lives in the flats opposite and he saw me leave the house just after I'd killed her. I was shocked to see it there waving at me, he was supposed to be at his sister's I checked all that. If the police asked, he'd certainly tell him he'd seen me. I puzzled for a full day, before finding this rather neat solution. I made Tony's radio talk to him. It's not hard to fool tony. he's known for his gullibility. He was in his kitchen listening to the radio when a voice spoke to him. “Tony, Tony, tell them you saw Martin!”. It was my voice of course, but he didn't recognize it. It took him about a week to work out what it meant, then he went to the police. He told them he brought the message something to do with my wife's death, he said. Who was this message from the police asked and tony said it came from the radio. I imagine the officers exchanged a look before politely showing him out. You can see why this is so clever, first I bring suspicion on myself, then I turn it away at the last moment by discrediting the only witness to see me at the scene of the crime. Messages from the radio. No one would believe Tony after that. Then I heard voices. “Martin, Martin, you must go to them.”. My first thought was that it was Tony, paying me back for making a fool of him. But Tony wasn't capable of anything like that. Besides it was my own voice. “Martin go to them, Martin tell them what you've done!”. I hear it all the time now, of course I switch the radio off. But it makes no difference. “Tell them Martin, tell them what you've done!”. voices by nick warburton featured nicholas bolton two minute tales produced by martin montague