Mawaru Penguindrum ende?

1 Antwort


Der Apfel bzw. das Penguindrum repräsentiert die Existenz bzw. die Liebe.

Wenn du geliebt wirst, hast du einen Grund zu existieren. Wenn du nicht mehr geliebt wirst, wirst du in den Häcksler geworfen - weil du eben keinen Grund mehr hast du existieren.

Rest auf englisch weil kein Bock zu übersetzen:

In the scene where Kanba and Shoma were in cages with no food or whatsoever to survive, they were being sent to the Child Broiler. Kanba finds an apple in his cage, so he is chosen to survive. He decides to split the apple in half to share it with Shoma, so he can also survive. Then, Shoma meets Himari who is on her way to the Child Broiler, so he gives half of his apple to her. Now, we have Kanba with half of an apple and Shoma and Himari with a quarter of an apple. 

At the end, to save Himari's life, Momoka needs the penguindrum, and so, Kanba, Himari and Shoma, gave up their apples to make it whole to form the penguindrum. So, now Himari's life is saved, but Kanba does not have an apple anymore so he disappears. But Himari's life is still in danger because she is on a subway that is to be bombed, so Ringo uses the fate diary to change her fate, saving her life again. By doing so, Ringo needs to be punished, so Shoma (who's going to disappear anyway because of the lack of an apple) decides to take the punishment for her and he disappears.

I am guessing that Ringo shared her half of the apple with Himari, when she gave hers up, so that's why they know each other in the new world. So, since Himari has no connection (doesn't share apples) with Kanba and Shoma, she doesn't remember them anymore.
Woher ich das weiß:Hobby – Anime-, Mangablogger