Ist das richtig (english summary stolen Generation)

2 Antworten

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The article "The Stolen Generation" by Barbara McMahon, published in the Guardian in 2008 is about... ****This term stands for the fact that in the year .... the Australian government decided to take away fair-skinned Aboriginal children from** their families and hordes.

In this article Zita Wallace tells the sad story of her situation in the times of the "Stolen generation". When she was a little girl, one day nuns came to .. The said that they wanted to go shopping...**

Entschuldigung heißt "an apology"...

The Text “The Stolen Generation“ written by Barbara McMahon, Guardian News and Media 2008, is about the stolen Generation from the Aboriginal and the Government Komma who wanted /Hier fehlt eine Präposition.) delete the thousands of mixed-race children’s. Zita Wallace told (Zeit) a sad story about her Situation of the “Stolen generation”.

As she was a little Girl in Australia, one day the nuns came to her house and took her out. (Satzstellung) They Said they want to go shopping with her, but they put her and a lots of children in the back of a truck and drove away.

Zita cried a lot, she recount

The government wanted to forget the traditions of the Aboriginal, so they stolen children to mix them up with white people, making sure the Aboriginal to delete. The stealing of children ended after 60 years in 1970. Now the affected people and families want a

apologize from the government. Finally Australia is saying sorry for all.

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

Für das Vokabular und die Rechtschreibung empfehle ich ein gutes (online) Wörterbuch, z.B.,

für die Grammatik und


PS: Summaries werden in der Regel im Present geschrieben. Handlungen aus der Vergangenheit können aber durchaus auch im Past Simple und Present Perfect stehen.

Die Zusammenfassung eines Sachtextes, der sich mit Geschichte befasst, steht im Simple Past, denn es handelt sich um in der Vergangenheit abgeschlossene Handlungen.

In eine Summary gehören nicht:

  • Progressive / Continuous Tense
  • Wörtliche Rede
  • Zitate aus dem Originaltext
  • Eigene Meinung, Gedanken und Kommentare
  • Stellungnahme
  • Schlusssatz
  • Erzählerische Elemente, z.B. suddenly, unfortunately, at long last …

Zur Länge gibt es keine Vorgaben, man sagt über den Daumen gepeilt 1/5 des Originaltextes.

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 10.11.2013, 19:23

Manche Sachen kann ich leider nicht Nachvollziehen, also ich weiß nicht genau was ich da falsch gemacht habe. Hier nochmal der überarbeitete text:

***The article "The Stolen Generation" by Barbara McMahon, published in the Guardian in 2008 is about the stolen generation, the stolen children’s from they Aborigines Families and the government, who wanted to delete the thousands of mixed-race children’s.

Zita Wallace tells a sad story about her situation in the “Stolen generation” time. When she was a little girl in Australia, one day the nuns came and took her out. They Say they wanted to go shopping with her, but they put her and a lots of children in the back of a truck and drove away.

Zita cried a lot the first night. The government wanted to forget the traditions of the Aborigines, so they stealing children to mix them up with white people to making sure that the only white people lives in Australia. The stealing of children ended after 60 years in 1970. Now the affected people and families want an apologize from the government. Finally Australia is saying sorry.

AstridDerPu  10.11.2013, 20:27

The article "The Stolen Generation" by Barbara McMahon, published in the Guardian in 2008 is about the stolen generation, the stolen children’s from they

Aborigines Families and the government, who wanted to delete (Wort) the thousands of mixed-race children’s.

Zita Wallace tells a sad story about her situation in the “Stolen generation” time. When she was a little girl in Australia, one day (Position) the nuns came and took her out. They Say (Zeit) they wanted to go shopping with her, but they put her and a lots of children in the back of a truck and drove away.

Zita cried a lot the first night. The government wanted to forget the traditions of the Aborigines, so they stealing (Zeit) children to mix them up with white people to making sure that (---) only white people lives in Australia. The stealing of children ended after 60 years in 1970. Now the affected people and families want an apologize (Wort; s. bswss) from the government. Finally (erzählerisches Element) Australia is saying (Zeit) sorry.

Fettgedruckt = falsch.