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3 Antworten

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Living in a big City like Mambai!

Is it a good idea to live in Mumbai? I think that living in a big city like Mumbai IS very nice because there is a lot of fun and action everyday. I could learn about a new culture, language and a new lifestyle. Mumbai has a population of 13,9 Million. The capital of Mumbai is new Delhi. It is also a challenge to live there because Mumbai is a very poor city and there are many ghettos that are very dirty. There are good sides and bad sides. The good side is that there are many different sights like the Gateway in India. Many Bollywood movies are made in Mumbai. My favourite Bollywood Star Aamir Khan is a famous actor of a movie that was made in Mumbai. However, I couldn't image to live in Mumbai because it's not my home city and my culture is so different and the city is very dirty and crowded.

 04.04.2016, 17:31

Danke fandest du den Text den gut inhaltlich ?

itsyamichan  04.04.2016, 17:34

Ja, ganz gut. Kommt jetzt auch darauf an in welcher Klasse du bist, was das Niveau betrifft :D Vielleicht noch die ganzen that is in that's undso umschreiben ^^

Einige Korrekturen (Auswahl):

million, New Delhi, city, ghettos

a movie that was produced in M.

I couldn't imagine living in M.


An Kleinschreibung im Englischen denken!

 04.04.2016, 21:54


Living in a big City like !
It is a good idea to live in Bombay? I think living in a big city like Bombay would be very nice because there are a lot of attractions and fun things to do. I could learn about a new culture, language and about a new lifestyle. Bombay has a total  Population of 13,9 Million Inhaberaktie. Bombay is located in India and it is the capital of district  Maharashtra. It is also difficult to live there because Bombay is a  poor and dirty City within many ghettos. There are good sides and bad sides. The good one is that there are many different sights like the Gateway in India. Many Bollywood movies are made in Bombay. My favourite Bollywood Star Aamir Khan is a famous actress she played in a movie which was made in Bollywood. Even there are many good aspectd, I could not imagine to live in Bombay because it is the Place I grew up and my culture is so different and the city is dirty and crowded.

Mumbai hat einen anderen Namen im Englischen und ich wusste nicht was du mit dem New Dheli meintest da Mumbai nur eine Stadt wie Neu Dheli ist und so schlecht die Hauptstadt sein kann daher hab ich das weggelassen und etwas zugefügt. Bin selbst nur in der 9. Klasse (Gymnasium und stehe zwischen 2 und 1) daher evtl immer noch Fehler 

 04.04.2016, 17:36

Danke in unserem Lehrbuch steht Mumbai

ihaveafrage  04.04.2016, 17:39

Ah okay ja sonst schreib Mumbai also uns wurde im Erdkundekurs(hab Erdkunde und paar weitere Fächer auf Englisch) Bombay gesagt aber sonst schreib Mumbai