Short Story Two Strangers Meet?

2 Antworten


Two Strangers Meet

John Turner was a clerk in the City of London. He wasn't rich, but as he

didn't spend mutt he could manage quite well. He lived in a boardhouse

near Paddington Station where he had a small room under the roof.

One Saturday evening John Turner put on his best suit examined the con

tents of his wallet and decided to go and enjoy himself in the West End.

He phoned for a taxi and told the driver the name of a cinema. In the

hall a lot of people were waiting at the boxoffice. But Turner didn't have

to wait. He had bought two expensive tickets the day before. Suddenly a

notice went up at the box-office window: 'House Full'.

Turner, with the air of the expert, looked round. He was not going to

spend the evening alone. His eyes fell on a beautiful young lady in an

elegant fur coat, Turner addressed her, "Excuse me, you look worried. May

I ask you what the trouble is?"

The young lady looked at him. Turner looked harmless enough

"Well," she said. "I wanted to see that film Love from a Stranger, but

now I can't. It's house full." .

"If I may help you," said Turner. "I've got two tickets for Love from

a Stranger. I was waiting for my friend. I don't know what has happened

to him. He hasn't come. May I make you a present of his ticket?"

"Hair lovely" cried the girl. "That's very, very kind of you. What do

you want for the ticket?"

"The pleasure of your company," said Turner. "May I introduce myself.

My name is John Turner, Doctor Turner."

"I am Betty Gordon. Lord Gordon's youngest daughter. Shall we go in,

Doctor Tuner?"

Turner was most impressed, for he had never before landed a fish of

that kind.

When they came out of the cinema two hours later, Turner turned to his

companion. "What about dinner?"

"Oh, I wouldn't say 'no' to a little meal. Let's go to Prunier's. They

have wonderful food."

Turner's heart fell into his boots when he looked at the menu. Every

thing was so terribly expensive, and he only had ten pounds in his wallet.

"I'll order some oysters for myself," said the young lady. "It's the

right month for them. And what do you think of a bottle of champagne,

Doctor Turner?"

The oysters and the champagne came. They were followed by some excel

lent veal cutlets, chipped potatoes, and fresh vegetables. Then `they had a

basket of fruit, sweets and black coffee.

The bill amounted to 15 pounds. Turner became most embarrassed. He

knew that he only had ten pounds in his wallet. For a minute or two he

wanted for run abut then he thought better of it. He told the girl that he

hadn't enough money on him to pay the bill.

"Is that worrying you?" said the girl. "Let me pay for myself."

She put ten pounds on the table "Order another bottle of champagne,

Doctor Turner. We're going to enjoy ourselves tonight."

Before they parted in Piccadilly Circus Underground Station, the young

lady asked Turner for his address...


Viel Glück! :-)

SosoDaisy  13.03.2019, 18:20

Auf dieser Seite gibt es ja die Aufgabe "What is the decisive moment in John Turner's life that this story deals with, in your opinion?". Hast du darauf zufällig eine Antwort, denn mir fällt beim besten Willen nichts ein.


Guten Tag,

also der entscheidende Moment in Turners Leben ist doch der, in dem er erkennt, nicht mehr länger lügen zu müssen, um einer Frau zu gefallen...

Könntet ihr mir mal bitte sagen, wer diese Kurzgeschichte wann geschrieben hat?! Die existiert ja gar nicht im Netz?

Wie soll einem die dann empfohlen worden sein zum Üben, wenn sie nicht einmal bekannt ist?