SELBSTGESCHRIEBENES englisches Gedicht gesucht?

5 Antworten


I can´t do my homework on my own,

all my bad marks are my fault alone.

I find someone to help me in the net,

the teacher will never know, I bet.


But my friend, teachers aren't foolish jerks.

They know how the mind of a lazy student works.

The can detect a fake with ease,

so do it yourself and be at peace.

copyright: You may show this poem to your teacher - no problem.

greetings chog77

 30.10.2017, 07:57

Perfekt das nehm ich mal 😅😂

 30.10.2017, 17:02

Kannst du das Gedicht noch weiter ausbauen mir gefällts 😂

chog77  30.10.2017, 22:40

Erst mal die Fehler verbessern, die ich heute morgen beim Reimen zwischen Tür und Angel reingehauen haben.

Zeile 3: I'll find; Zeile7: They

chog77  30.10.2017, 22:58


Oh teacher, my teacher, don't be cross,

I acknowledge that you are the boss.

I fear the words of your shap tongue,

please remember that you once were young.


I'd prefer if you used your brain

otherwise you´ll never reach wisdom's gain.

But in the case of pressing urgency,

I  plagiarize as well in an emergency.


I Guess the Walls Look Warmer Now:

Empty boxes in the front yard
crafting shelves and a bed
inside of those stone brick walls
where I slowly forget those who kept me fed
and think only about who I met back then
dressed in black, woven silk
fell for whispers, but never saw the distance
paint the walls with whatever comes to mind
tape the flowers to the wall, can't afford a vase
but you don't mind

When I excuse for the quiet
take a blanket and dye it
red or green or whatever you prefer
to lie inside,
to keep you warm,
I guess red looks warmer
tongues fall apart
but you keep sitting at the table
that I crafted out of glass from the bottles that you emptied
pretend not to see the cracks and the shards beneath
nothing but fake smiles to disguise the despise in your eyes

When I excused for the nail that punctured my tongue
you replied: "There are words abound stuck in my lungs"
Stuck indeed, never relieved,
first a kitchen knife
then quick stabs through your chest,
words form a flood or is it just blood?
Deafening screams before you stop to breathe,
gaping cuts, now your eyes stay shut,
mine never opened

The True Love

Silver sheet softly shining,

Metallic moonlight, sterling starlight;

Grey growling breakers billowing,

Roaring, rising wilderness of waters,

Great gales whisking, whipping,

Filmy froth streaking, striping,

Blue-black massive mountains moving, 

Humping high, fearsome, frightening,

Rolling rows of wild waves.

Glittering, glistening, lazy lop,

Bright, brilliant, changeless change:

The one true  love,

The sea.

love is easy Love is cold

Life is boring life is gold 

My heart is screaming with my Soul

Oh baby i love you so! 

Poah bin ich schlecht hahaha sorry mir ist nix eingefallen 🤷🏻‍♀️

I am I
That's ok.
I Like my Friede but they don't Like me .
Now i am sad, than come my dad and said : you are the Best Child in the World , your friends are Bad.

Sorry habe es versucht aber ich kann kein englisch tutmir leid