Richtig gemacht-Fraser Sutherland: Patricia-Summary?

1 Antwort

The short story "Patricia" written by Fraser Sutherland is about a boy, who has a crush on Patricia, but never told her, until a spring dance in their school takes place (Satzstellung).

The short story can be divided into 3 sections. In the first section (l.1-16) (Komma) the narrator describes the look of both teenagers. The boy is shown as very sportive and muscular (l-1ll, 5). According to the narrator (Komma) is Patricia a very pretty young girl (l.7-16) with the perfect body and a beautiful face. (Satzstellung) The second section (l.17-36) is about the puberty of both students and how their body and voice (besser: Plural) change. Also (kein Satzanfang) the narrator talks about their relationship, with (Wort) his descriptions the reader can see that the guy loves Patricia (l.7,21, 33l, 36). In the last section (l. 37-56) (Komma) is the topic “spring dance” at (---) school taken up. (Satzstellung) The guy wants (Hier fehlt eine Präposition.) finally ask Patricia if she would like to go with him to the dance (Satzstellung) and does it (l. 42) [besser: finally asks ...], but she declines (Wort) his question (l.50). This is a sign that she doesn’t (Kurzformen wie diese sollten in der Schriftsprache vermieden werden, zumindest in offiziellen Schreiben.) love him. At (Wort) the end, both do not go to the dance (l.54l.) instead they go different ways (Satzstellung; oder anderes Wort für instead).

Das Fettgedruckte muss korrigiert werden. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts übersehen.

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Summaries (= Inhaltsangaben, Zusammenfassungen) werden in der Regel im Present geschrieben. Handlungen aus der Vergangenheit können aber durchaus auch im Past Simple und Present Perfect stehen.

- The summary is usually written in the present tense.

- But past events may be reported in the past, future events may be reported in the future.

- Statements or questions which were made in the past may be reported in the past tense or the past perfect.

- Statements and questions which were made in the past but concern the future may be reported in the conditional


Für die Anwendung der anderen Zeiten im Summary gelten dieselben Regeln und Signalwörter wie in anderen Texten.

Die Zusammenfassung eines Sachtextes, der sich mit Geschichte befasst, steht im Simple Past, denn es handelt sich um in der Vergangenheit abgeschlossene Handlungen.

In eine Summary gehören nicht:

- Progressive / Continuous Tense

- Wörtliche Rede

- Zitate aus dem Originaltext

- Eigene Meinung, Gedanken und Kommentare

- Stellungnahme

- Schlusssatz

- Erzählerische Elemente, z.B. suddenly, unfortunately, at long last …

Zur Länge gibt es keine Vorgaben, man sagt über den Daumen gepeilt 1/5 des Originaltextes.

Tipps und Wendungen zu englischen Summaries findest du unter folgendem

Beispiele und Übungen findest du, wenn du bei Google - sample summaries oder exercises English summary eingibst.


 01.10.2020, 09:46

Vielen Dank! Kannst du mir vielleicht auch sagen, wie ich ein Satz formulieren soll, um auszudrücken, dass dieses Geschichte aus third person narrator geschrieben wurde

 01.10.2020, 10:08

Ivh hane nun versucht, das zu korrigieren, was du fett gedruckt hast😊. ist das jetzt richtig?

The short story "Patricia" written by Fraser Sutherland is about a boy, who has a crush on Patricia, but never told her, until a spring dance takes place in their school.

The short story can be divided into 3 sections. In the first section (l.1-16), the narrator describes the look of both teenagers. The boy is shown as very sportive and muscular (l-1ll, 5). According to the narrator, Patricia is a very pretty young girl (l.7-16) with the perfect body and a beautiful face. (Satzstellung) The second section (l.17-36) is about the puberty of both students and how their bodies and voices change. The narrator also talks about their relationship, from his descriptions the reader can see that the guy loves Patricia (l.7,21, 33l, 36). In the last section (l. 37-56), the topic “spring dance” at their school is taken up. The guy finally asks Patricia if she would like to go with him to the dance and does it (l. 42) but she rejects his question (l.50). This is a sign that she does not love him. In the end, both do not go to the dance (l.54l.) and they go different ways.