Könnte ein guter Englischsprecher über meinen Text schauen?

4 Antworten

friends, "She and Mary were best friends"

"They fight already for the top desk". (Was meinst du damit überhaupt? Das die beiden Ehrgeizig sind?) They're both ambitious for the top desk. (würde damit ein besseres Rewriting sein)

Hab kein Plan was du mit "the move of the home" meintest^^ Meinst du vielleicht das ausziehen von zu Hause? "Moving out of her home has influenced the choice of the title of the / her poem."


"She thinks that Mary is only with him because he owns lots of money and that she has been given the allowance (to marry him) by her father"

Woher ich das weiß:eigene Erfahrung – 13 Jahre zur Schule gegangen

From 1984. is about serious.... . Mary and her where best friends( ist aber aus dem Zusammenhang heraus gegriffen) . They were already battling for the top desk. ( was ist damit gemeint, was wolltest du sagen? ) . Moved . The leaving of home gives the poem its title. Oder the title is inspired by the leaving of the home. She had to move. Mary’s father only cares about money but not about the education of his daughter. Was meintest du mit dem 2ten Teil des letzten Satzes ?

Hey, was mir auf den ersten Blick auffällt:

1) Mary and her were best friends

2) They are already battling (je nachdem was du ausdrücken willst); which also creates mutual (= gegenseitigen) respect.

3) Mary moves (he, she, it ;) )

4) Moving from home

5) Mary's dad is into money; daughter's

Soweit zur Grammatik - ansonsten aufpassen, dass du dich nicht zu oft wiederholst. Zum Inhalt können wir natürlich nichts sagen. Ein paar Konnektoren (Bindewörter) wären für die Struktur ganz hilfreich.

Liebe Grüße :)

P.S.: Gute Frage ist zwar für einen guten Rat da, aber nicht um Hausaufgaben zu verbessern, siehe deine letzten Posts, nur so als Hinweis ;)

Woher ich das weiß:Studium / Ausbildung

The poem "The choosing" by Liz Lochhead from the year 1984 deals with serious decisions at a young age and their consequences.     First, the author speaks about the similarities of the two frien(ohne s)ds named (* and *). For example: Being shy. Mary and wer? were best friends. They are already battle for the top desk, which also gives them great respect for each other. Until Mary moves, both were best friends. Moving to a different town, will shape the choice(ohne s) of the poem's title. She has to move because the rent is much cheaper. Mary's father is all about money and does not care about his daughter's education. After a decade , WHO? sees Mary again with a rich man. She thinhs that Mary is only with him because of his money and that she has been given the priorities by her father.

*and * - wie heißen die Freunde?

They are already battle for the top desk = was soll das auf Deutsch heißen?