Englisch Text über "Friendship"

3 Antworten

ich würd statt "ride with them in the holidays" "take vacations with them"

und das mit dem "talk about problems" würd ich zum "trust" dazu nehmen also "Talk about problems and share secrets" oderso

und es heißt "Is for 25 years" weils eine Zeitspanne ist,

"my neighbor who's name is Tobias" und dann gleich but his nickname is Tobi

danach würd ich nen neuen satz anfangen statt nem and

aber dann bei dem mit dem humor "He's 16 years old and has...." weil das mit dem Alter da besser passt find ich

ich würd schreiben "unfortunatly he still hasn't got a girlfriend..."

dann mit dem "A lot" ...da würd ich schreiben "A lot of my friends go to the same school or live near by and we got the same hobbies and interests" das klingt besser

"We go to the gym together" klingt grammatikalisch richtiger und "scooters " weil mehrzahl

"My twin brother, my best friend (oder auch einfach Tobi) and me " grammatik

"That was great fun" weil funny eigl verrückt heißt und "was" weil es spaß gemacht hat

yo, na dann, hoffe es hilft n keines bisschen^^

LG aus München ;)

 30.09.2014, 21:47

Perfekte Antworte.

Gut nachvollziehbar und begründet. (Y)

Vielen Dank. :)


Frends are _ very important for me, because you can talk >to< them about problems or other things, you can >go on< holiday with them , do sport and you can trust your friends. My best friend is my neighbour >his< name is Tobias and he's really tall and has blond curly hair. He has a great sense of humor and is very easy-going. He hasn't got a girlfriend nut would really like one. His real name is Tobias but everybody call>s< him Tobi. Tobi is 16 years old. A lot of >my< friends go to my school and a few of may friends live in my hometown , in Berlin. A lot of my friends have the same hobbies and inerests as me. We go together to gym, play tennis or drive with our scooter>s<. Me, my twin brother and my best friend spend much time together. We've built two shacks and a Tree house together- that >was< funny.

Friends are very important for me, because you can talk to them about problems or other things, you can go on holiday with them, do sports and you can trust your friends. i've known my longest friend since 15 years now. My best friend is my neighbour his name is Tobias and he's really tall and has got blonde curly hair. He has a great sense of humor and is very easy-going. He hasn't got a girlfriend but would really like to have one. His real name is Tobias but everybody calls him Tobi. Tobi is 16 years old. Lots of my friends are in my school and few of my friends live in my villiage in Berlin. Many have got the same hobbies and interests like me. We go together to the gym, play tennis or drive with our scooter. Me, my twin brother and my best friend spend much time together. We've built two shacks and a tree house together - thats funny!

das ist der Text korrigiert so wie ich es schreiben würde :-)

 30.09.2014, 21:18

Danke dir :)