Comment über Outsourcing?

2 Antworten

Rede über positive und negative Argumente.

Greif das Thema erst in einer Einleitung auf. 


"20 years ago nearly every German manufacturer produced their products in Germany but today its the opposite. Due to this fact I want to comment on this topic."

Rede im Hauptteil darüber worum es bei Outsourcing geht, kurze Definition/Erklärung am Anfang und zeige danach deinen Standpunkt dar.

Versuche dann die Zuhörer (Klassenkameraden) mit Argumenten zu überzeugen. Denk immer dran: Behauptung (Argument) - Begründung - Beispiel

"Outsourcing is often used in captilastic markets. Its based around the fact, that the productioncosts of the current country are to high and therefor the company decides to move the production into another country to save for example costs.

In my mind it's an good possibility to grow one's bussines, because you can focus on your own specialtites. This means, that you optimize your distributions and sales chanels in Germany..... An good example for this is the XYZ Group.."

Und so gehts du im groben vor.

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:-) AstridDerPu