Bergmannsche Regel?

1 Antwort

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Human populations near the poles, including the  InuitAleut, and  Sami people, are on average heavier than populations from mid-latitudes, consistent with Bergmann's rule. [14] They also tend to have shorter limbs and broader trunks, consistent with  Allen's rule. [14] According to Marshall T. Newman in 1953, Native American populations are generally consistent with Bergmann's rule although the cold climate and small body size combination of the Eastern Inuit, Canoe Nation,  Yuki peopleAndes natives and  Harrison Lake Lillooet runs contrary to the expectations of Bergmann's rule. [15] Newman contends that Bergmann's rule holds for the populations of  Eurasia, but it does not hold for those of  sub-Saharan Africa. [15]'s_rule

Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass der Effekt allgemein viel kleiner ist, weil Menschen viele Dinge (wie Probleme durch die Umwelt) mit ihrer Intelligenz und den daraus resultierenden Dingen wie Kleidung, Feuer, Häuser, etc ausgleichen können