Promote a united identity?

1 Antwort

Pro: 1) Countries want a homogenious people which fulfills ALL demanding requirements the country creates for its members. (But this is a rather nationalistic standpoint. Not mine.)

2) Possible side effect: Unique language which improves communication.

Contra: 1) Creative variabilty which could be able to improve creativity in general - according to any theme - economy, culture etc.

2) More fun and inspiration due to cultural variability. (But this my personal standpoint).


 24.09.2019, 19:44

Vielen Dank! Das sind echt gute Argumente!

WisperndesGras  24.09.2019, 20:46

Gern geschehen. Hat Spaß gemacht. In 1) pro kannst du noch ergänzen:

"Homogenious people who identfy themselves with national interests of the country".