Englische aktiv Sätze ins Passiv umwandeln?

2 Antworten

Stimmt soweit, hier nochmal um die Tippfehler bereinigt:

In 1947, India achieved freedom from the British rule.

Passiv: In 1947, freedom from the British rule was achieved by India.

2.Gandhi used his campaign of non-violence to reach his goal.

Passiv: A campaign of non-violence was used by Gandhi to reach his goal.

3.They perform several rituals at the golden temple every day.

Passiv: Severals rituals are performed by them at the golden temple every day.

4. The six gurus of Sikhism wrote the scripture Guru Granth Sahib.

The scripture Guru Granth Sahib was written by the six gurus of Sikhism.

Woher ich das weiß:Studium / Ausbildung – Cambridge Proficiency Zertifikat (Level C2) seit 2015


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